Commit the Next 30 Days to transforming you.

Start Now, Start wherever you are. Change your life in 30 day strides

Unlock Your Best Self in 30 Days: Transform Your Mindset and Body for Lasting Fat Loss!

Introducing the 30-Day Mindset & Small Habits Transformation Program!

Why join us on this challenge?

You will discover the power of small habits. I will equip you with the tools to never crush diet, lose weight, fat, build muscle in a sustainable and achievable way. The results you will get in 30 days will motivate you to keep going. Through simple and sustainable steps you will walk Your way to a Healthier, Happier You!

Faith Liz

Your coach

I believe educating yourself is the best way to achieve and tailor your fitness and wellness goals. That's what I have done for over 10 years now. I have lost fat, gained muscle, gained fat (during both my pregnancies) and lost it too. I am dedicated to teach you my signature framework that's helped me stay consistent and build a body I love.

Education and Training

What You'll Get:

Daily Mindset Coaching: I will guide you through daily mindset and mastery exercises to keep you motivated, focused, and resilient throughout your transformation.

Enjoy meals you love: Say goodbye to calorie counting and hello to tasty, balanced meals. I'll provide you with meal ideas and equip you with the knoweldge you need to never diet again. I will teach you how to enjoy your meals but still reach your fitness goals without compromising your lifestyle.

Movement, your way: Whatever your workout/ movement preference is, you will learn how to establish a movement and workout plan that works for your schedule, interests and goals

Unbelievable Results, Minimum Effort

Frequently asked questions

How will I receive the resources for the challenge?

You will learn how to set achievable fitness and wellness goals. Each week you will receive action steps for that week on your email. You will have an access to a a suite of benefits. Including: A digital gratitude journal, a customisable workout routine, an indepth nutrition masterclass and a habit tracker and more to help you have a clear and conscise to do list for each day. This will take away the overwhelm and help you stay on track with your wellness and fitness goals.

What does this challenge come with?

You will have an access to two exclusive live Q & A sessions at the start and the end of each 30 day challenge, where you will have a chance to ask me your questions and get answers in real time.

What's the refund policy?

This challenge is $1 a day, meaning that for the entire 30 days challenge you will pay $30. We have a 30 day money guarantee, and if you do everything that's taught in this challenge but do not see any results, you will be refunded a full amount that you've paid.

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